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HE MYSTERY OF THE POWER WORDS will unveil the invisible realm of God's Kingdom and the POWER WORDS that will help you to:
  • Understand the Pathways of your Destiny on this earth.
  • Access the Battle Strategies of Heaven Concerning God's intent for Believers in this fallen world.
  • Decode the Veil of Secrecy that surrounds the Powerful Words that your Heavenly Father wants you to understand and speak.
  • Clearly discern GOD'S WILL for you and your family.
  • Identify and Defeat Your Enemies.
  • Establish a link between praying in tongues and operating in Kingdom Dominion.
  • Become an effective Ambassador of Jesus Christ through the use of the POWER WORDS.
Right now God wants to help you in your walk with Him. You have supernatural WORDS that you need to understand and speak. The angels, your Heavenly help, are standing by waiting for you to speak God's Word. They will provide more help than you could ever need. Discover how to engage and partner with the Holy Spirit in your everyday life and step right into the greatest move of God the world has ever seen!

Teaching, prayers, and impartation on the subject of the Power Words that every Christian should know.

The Mystery of the Power Words CD

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