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Do you have the desire for more revelation of God%u2019s Word? How about heavenly visitations from Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and angels? How would you like to experience %u201CDays of Heaven on Earth%u201D as the Book of Deuteronomy teaches? Well the realm of the supernatural is waiting for you! Be prepared for an end time encounter as Heaven touches earth and your lamps are well supplied with oil for the next exciting move of the Spirit. Jump in; the move is already here! The documented visitations of Jesus in this book reveal His personality and His plan. You need to hear what He is saying and implement it into your life.

After sharing my story with everyone through the book, Heavenly Visitation: A Guide to Participating in the Supernatural, the Lord commissioned me to produce this book, Days of Heaven on Earth: A Guide to the Days Ahead. It is a detailed study and account in the areas that Jesus reviewed and revealed to me during several visitations. This book will open your eyes to the person of Jesus from a Biblical perspective.

Days of Heaven on Earth Book

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