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The prayer and confession guide is intended to enhance the readers prayer life from revelations brought forth during my HEAVENLY VISITATION. The time I spent in the presence of Jesus profoundly changed me! During this time, Jesus promised that the story of His visitation and the teaching He gave during my 45-minutes with Him has the capacity to radically change YOU too. After sharing my story with everyone through the book, Heavenly Visitation: A Guide to Participating in the Supernatural and the book Days of Heaven on Earth: A Guide to the Days Ahead, the Lord commissioned me to produce this book, Prayers and Confessions for HEAVENLY VISITATION: A Prayer Guide to Participating In The Supernatural. It is a detailed prayer and confession guide in the areas that Jesus reviewed and revealed to me during several visitations. This book will help your prayer life go to the next level and reveal the person of Jesus from a Biblical perspective.

Heavenly Visitation Prayer and Confession Guide

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